1. 绘画课 (LEVEL I 或 LEVEL II)1节
2. 手工课1节
1. 已在KIDOODLES画室上过课或者参加过派对的客人。
2. 博客,脸书,评论等帖子字数不低于50字.
3. 所发表的评论与体验必须是真实的
4. 博客或脸书发帖请附上小店网站的链接 (www.kidoodles.org or www.kidoodles.ca)
5. 博客发帖请附上以下小店的联络方式:
Kidoodles Art Studio
电话: 604-620-7350
邮件: contactus@kidoodles.ca
地址: 4800 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, Canada
6. 所有赠送课程均需要提前预约,课程时间仅限于周一至周五的时间(周六周日不可预约),点击这里查看入门班课程表,点击这里可查看进阶班课程表。泼墨托管无需预约,但请在来之前看好泼墨室的可用时间,点击查看泼墨室时间。
1. 本店派对或课程的体验与经历
2. 孩子的画作或手工作品展示
3. 对本店课程与服务的评论
4. 推荐给其他家长的服务与课程
请在发帖后截图或转发链接到我们的邮箱 kidoodlesart@gmail.com,我们将在3个工作日内审核并回复您。谢谢!
IMPORTANT: 请注意,我们保留权利拒绝没有达到我们条款与条件的发帖哦!
Submit a blog, Facebook post, Google or Yelp review related to Kidoodles Art Studio's class, drop-in session or birthday party and we will give you one of the following classes of your choice for FREE:
1. Drawing & Painting ( LEVEL I or LEVEL II ) Class
2. Mixed Media Class
Terms and Conditions:
1. For customers who have taken a lesson, splatter painting session or experienced a party with us from the past.
2. Blog/FB post or Review post must be a minimum of 50 words in length.
3. Blog/FB post or Review content must be true, experiences shared must be real
4. Blog/FB post must contain a link to our website (www.kidoodles.org or www.kidoodles.ca)
5. Blog post should mention Kidoodles Art Studio and our contact information below:
Kidoodles Art Studio
Phone: 604-620-7350
Email: contactus@kidoodles.ca
Address: 4800 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, Canada
6. Class choice must be reserved ahead of time, and can only be selected from our weekday schedules found here for beginners and here for advanced (no weekend classes!). Splatter painting does not require booking, please check the availability of our splatter painting room here before you come. Thank you!
Blog posts we really like:
1. Experiences at our studio for class or party
2. Features of artworks that are done at our studio
3. Reviews of our location and services
4. Suggestions to other people who might be interested in our service.
General tips to make your blog post more appealing:
1. Include visuals to make your writing more engaging
2. Blog posts about artworks that your child have made from our classes
3. Spread the content on social media such as Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram
4. Make them easily digestible and readable
To be eligible, just submit your finished post link or screenshot to kidoodlesart@gmail.com. Our team will review and get back to you within three working days.
IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to turn away some blog posts if it does not meet our Terms and Conditions or our quality standards. This is because our audience often appreciate good content :-)